Information on Emergency Medical Treatment

  1. Step 1 Reception
    • Fill out an application form and submit it to the reception at the Emergency Room. (bring your passport, Hospital registration card or provide your Hospital ID number if you have been to the hospital)
    • You can be asked to pay certain amount(deposit) in advance.
    • If you have fever or respiratory symptoms, you may need to be tested for COVID-19 before entering the ER according to the hospital’s protocol.
  2. Step 2 Preliminary medical treatment

    Enter the Emergency Center, and you will be triaged and seen by the order according to the ER triage guideline.

  3. Step 3 Medical treatment

    After treatment, disposition will be made whether to be hospitalized or sent to home.

  4. Step 4 Discharge from the hospital
    • Discharge process and payment
      -If the decision is made to be discharged, please follow instructions by assigned nurse. Discharge medication will be also provided if prescribed. Payment can be made at the registration window.
    • After the payment, English medical invoice with an itemized bill will be provided.
      For ER visit, direct billing claim settlement service of insurance is NOT going to be provided. Please pay full amount upfront and claim on your own. If you need any further assistance, please contact to Intl. Healthcare Center after the discharge.
    • A follow up appointment will be made if needed. You may get discharged without a follow-up appointment. However, if you need one after the discharge, please contact to Intl. Healthcare Center.
    • Request a medical report if you need it for insurance claim.